Consider This When Selecting A Web Hosting Company
If its your first time setting up your website, it may come as no surprise to be extremely confused by all the technical terms thrown at you by a hosting company. You will come across terms such as storage space, domain names, web traffic and hosting, among others. As a newbie in the tech world, these terms may come off as intimidating as you might have never heard of them before. The process of choosing a web host is a critical decision but also an important part of your website. There are a few pointers to keep in mind when selecting a web hosting company in Dubai.
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Check If They Have A Dedicated Customer Support Team
Irrespective of knowledgeable you are or how reliable the web hosting company might be, there might come a time when something might go wrong and you would have to contact your provider for assistance. For such situations, you would want to consider a company that offers a dedicated customer support, to address to your queries instantly. We say its important because say you come across a situation but have no assistance from them, you will be left stranded till you get external help or learn to figure it out yourself.
Is It A Well Reputed Hosting Provider?
One of the main aspects to consider is their reputation. The provider’s website should have testimonials or information to depict reviews of previous customers. It allows new users to identify the type of company they are and the service that they are known to provide.
What User Interface Do They Use?
When it comes to basic tasks such as installing WordPress or setting up an account, you sure wouldn’t require their assistance. However, you must ask the control panel being used, as it makes updates and modifications easier. Ask them what type of server hosting they use. It allows you to understand how your domain is going to work.
Provides Backup Service
Another critical point to note is that your chosen hosting provider offers you with a daily backup service. this will assure you of having fresh and relevant information each day. In an event where your website crashes, the data can be easily restored then.
Web hosting packages differ in prices, depending on your requirements. As you are just creating your website, you might be tempted to opt for the cheaper package so as to reduce the initial costs. While this may seem like the most affordable and convenient option, you might end up paying more in the long run. Even if you are paying a few dollars monthly, changing hosts can be costly. Look for a good web hosting server such as and bag yourself a good deal.